At Home Retreats
[AT HOME] Dependent Origination and Emptiness: An Online Retreat for Experienced Students - Applications Open
Leigh Brasington and Heather Sundberg
In this retreat, Leigh will teach theory and guided practice on Dependent Origination, one of his favorite dharma topics, from his book “Dependent Origination and Emptiness: Streams of Dependently Arising Processes Interacting,” which is free to download at the above link. Heather will teach and guide Emptiness-Awareness practices informed by a lineage she teaches from the […]
[AT HOME: REGISTRATION] Dependent Origination and Emptiness: An Online Retreat for Experienced Students
Leigh Brasington and Heather Sundberg
In this retreat, Leigh will teach theory and guided practice on Dependent Origination, one of his favorite dharma topics, from his book “Dependent Origination and Emptiness: Streams of Dependently Arising Processes Interacting,” which is free to download at the above link. Heather will teach and guide Emptiness-Awareness practices informed by a lineage she teaches from the […]