Leigh Brasington

Leigh Brasington (he/him) has been practicing meditation since 1985 and is the senior American student of the late Ven. Ayya Khema. Leigh began assisting Ven. Ayya Khemma in 1994, and began teaching retreats on his on in 1997. He is also authorized to teach by Jack Kornfield.

Leigh has taught the jhanas, along with multiple insight practices, at over one hundred and fifty residential retreats throughout the United States and Europe. He is the author of the books Right Concentration: A Practical Guide to the Jhanas and Dependent Origination and EmptinessStreams ODependently Arising Processes Interacting. Find more about Leigh’s teaching and schedule at http://leighb.com.

Upcoming Programs by Leigh Brasington

[AT HOME] Dependent Origination and Emptiness: An Online Retreat for Experienced Students - Applications Open

Also Heather Sundberg

August 1 - 6, 2025

In this retreat, Leigh will teach theory and guided practice on Dependent Origination, one of his favorite dharma topics, from his book “Dependent Origination and Emptiness: Streams of Dependently Arising Processes Interacting,” which is free to download at the above link. Heather will teach and guide Emptiness-Awareness practices informed by a lineage she teaches from the […]